先日、羽衣国際大学(大阪府)に、サウス・ピュージェット・サウンド・コミュニティ・カレッジ (SPSCC) の学生が交換留学プログラムで訪問しました。その際に(にしゃんたが)、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンに関する講演・講義を担当し、その一環としてダイバーシティ能力検定®︎を英語で実施しました。
私(にしゃんた)としてもその際、講演を担当させていただくことを楽しみにしております。詳細については、ダイバーシティ能力検定協会または私のマネジメント事務所 Office KANDY,Inc. までお問い合わせください。
Recently, students from South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC) visited Hagoromo International University (Osaka) as part of an exchange program. Nishantha (にしゃんた) conducted a lecture on Diversity & Inclusion and administered the Diversity Competency Test® in English as part of the lecture.
The students enjoyed learning and worked through the questions of the Diversity Competency Test®. At the end of the training, a certification ceremony was held, and all participants received their Diversity Competency Test® certificates.
The lecture and the test were conducted in English, and it was a highly meaningful experience for me (Nishanta) as well. Thank you very much.
The recognition of the Diversity Competency Test® is steadily growing, and many people are taking the exam. As the Diversity Competency Test Association, we are delighted with this expansion. As a member of the association, I would also like to express my gratitude.
We hope that more people will take the exam in the future. For group exams, we recommend conducting them alongside lectures on topics such as Diversity, Multicultural Coexistence, SDGs, and Human Rights.
I (Nishantha) also look forward to giving lectures on such occasions. For more details, please contact the Diversity Competency Test Association or my management office, Office Kandy.
In today’s society, the ability to embrace diversity is becoming increasingly important. To build a society where people from diverse backgrounds and values can coexist harmoniously, understanding and practicing diversity is essential. This is where the Diversity Competency Test® comes in.
The Diversity Competency Test® is designed to deepen knowledge and understanding of diversity and to evaluate the skills needed to apply this understanding in everyday life and the workplace. Through this test, it is hoped that more people will recognize the importance of diversity and work towards its practical implementation.
The Diversity Competency Test Association, which administers this test, believes that it can contribute to creating a strong and compassionate society. By taking the test, individuals can enhance their understanding of diversity and help foster a society that respects and celebrates diverse perspectives.
We encourage everyone to utilize the Diversity Competency Test® and work together to build a society where diversity is valued and respected. The Diversity Competency Test Association eagerly awaits your participation in this important endeavor.